African American Constituency Group
Our mission is to build a supportive community and amplify the voices of current and future Black municipal officials. Through education, strategic partnerships, and access to resources, we aim to give Black municipal officials the tools they need to be successful leaders that encourage and inspire more diversity in local government decision-making roles.
Contact Us
Jennifer Simmons
Chief Operating Officer
317-237-6200 x 240
Indiana Black Municipal Officials’ Public Finance Workshop
Tuesday, February 4, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Hyatt Regency Indianapolis
In advance of this year’s Aim Legislative Dinner, Indiana’s Black Municipal Officials are encouraged to attend a ½ day workshop exploring various finance options for strategic projects. Our experts from Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors and Ice Miller will discuss financing concepts that typically work for projects ranging from parking structures to amphitheaters and sewers to stadiums. Come ready to learn, discuss your own visionary projects, and connect with fellow black leaders on common areas of concern.
Be sure to make plans to attend the Aim Legislative Dinner on February 5!