Newly Elected Officials Training
Newly Elected Officials Training
City and town elected officials truly serve on the front lines of government. It can be a challenging responsibility, particularly for those recently elected. Yet with the proper preparation and training, municipal officials can assume responsibilities of office, smoothly and effectively.
Every four years, Accelerate Indiana Municipalities (Aim) conducts Newly Elected Officials Training to provide basic information and tools for city and town officials, helping them manage their first weeks in office and build a foundation for a successful term. In 2023 and 2024, Aim’s Newly Elected Officials Training assisted more than 1,000 city and town officials. The program, presented in partnership with the Aim Medical Trust and Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC, benefited both municipal government newcomers and veterans alike.
The training program comprised three phases. Starting with a day-long workshop offered in five locations across the state, the Regional Training focused on the initial weeks in office. Phase two provided specific training for mayors, clerk-treasurers, and council members. The final component was Aim Boot Camp, a three-day intensive basic training for municipal officials.
For those looking for education ahead of the 2027-2028 Newly Elected Officials Training, Aim recorded a Recently Elected Officials virtual training series designed to assist recently elected municipal officials in their new roles. During the five modules, viewers not only get to know Aim and how it supports municipalities, they will also hear important topics like public meetings and public records, employment and personnel, transition matters and more.

General Information
Lesley Mosier
Chief Administrative & Development Officer
317-237-6200 x 223
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REGIONAL TRAININGSAim Regional Training sessions were held in the weeks following municipal elections. The day-long workshop was offered in five locations across the state and focused on the initial weeks in office, including what to expect at the first council meeting. Participants were given critical tools needed for the transition and to hit the ground running on day one. These training sessions were staffed by veteran municipal officials, Aim staff, and leading municipal experts. |
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MAYORS SCHOOLMayors School was an in-depth conference offered specifically for Indiana mayors, designed to equip them with the knowledge and confidence to meet the challenges of a new term in office. The intensive schedule, tailored to mayors of communities of all sizes, provided both detailed instruction and roundtable-style interaction. Mayors School allowed newly elected mayors to meet and quickly begin establishing relationships with one another and with the many veteran mayors in attendance. |
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CLERK-TREASURERS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS WORKSHOPSBoth workshops were offered in conjunction with Aim Boot Camp. The Aim Clerk-Treasurers Workshop was a critical gathering of elected municipal fiscal officers and a must-attend for both new and veteran clerk-treasurers. Referred to as a “called meeting” by the Indiana State Board of Accounts (SBOA), the workshop provided timely instruction on the state’s expectations of its newest fiscal stewards. The Aim Council Members Workshop was an essential education day for elected council members and was also a must-attend for both new and veteran council members. |
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BOOT CAMPThe final drill of NEO training was Aim Boot Camp. As its name suggests, Boot Camp was an intensive three-day conference packed with instruction from veteran municipal officials and experts in municipal government. It offered insights into the basic operations of government, overviews of municipal finance and specific revenue streams, ethics, purchasing, and much more, all covered by a respected panel of veteran officials and experts. Aim Corporate Members were invited to participate in the Exhibit Hall. |
Indiana Municipal Officials Handbook
The Indiana Municipal Officials Handbook is a nearly 300-page reference guide published every four years by Aim for city and town officials. The handbook reviews the structure and operations of city and town government, applicable statutes, and sources of state and federal programs. Each municipal official registered for Boot Camp received one of these coveted handbooks. The Handbook will be updated annually and available via digital download until the edit edition in 2028.
Although the handbook is traditionally published every four years, we now offer annual updates to reflect legislative changes and critical procedural updates. Replacement pages for printed handbooks are designed to fit seamlessly over existing pages. For digital users, a fully updated version is available. Update pages are noted in the running header, with changes highlighted in red for easy identification. If you already have a printed handbook or have requested the digital version, you can obtain the updated pages by contacting