Municipal Innovation
Across Indiana, municipalities are moving forward in exciting new ways. They’re supporting entrepreneurs who are unafraid to take risks; investing in co-working spaces, technology needs, and high-tech incubators; upgrading infrastructure to support lightning-fast communications; and partnering with universities, chambers of commerce, and other organizations with a vested interest in supporting community development.
We work to ensure that these exciting stories are being told, and that Hoosier cities and towns can learn from the creative approaches taking shape in other communities.
- Supports our members in their innovation initiatives
- Tells stories of groundbreaking developments in Indiana communities with videos and online content
- Deepens our relationships with the media and encourage reporters to tell these stories

Municipal Storytelling
To support our municipal storytelling efforts and help us build deeper relationships with the media, we have invested in resources to communicate the best of what’s happening in cities and towns all across Indiana. Aim takes the lead role in these initiatives by:
- Communicating with our members to identify stories of innovation
- Collaborating with our members to tell these stories in engaging ways
- Reaching out to media outlets statewide to build relationships and encourage more stories of municipal innovation and creativity
Creating our own Innovation Laboratory
We do more than just cheer on our members from the sidelines – we demonstrate innovative leadership by ensuring Aim continually examines our service delivery methods, strategies, resources, and relationships.
We’re continuing to transform our organization by identifying research partnerships with respected national organizations. This involves identifying specific research areas that align with our strategic legislative goals and collaborating on projects that can inform policy. That way, we’re empowered to drive policy discussions rather than being forced to take a reactive stance.