Legislative Summary – January 25, 2019

Legislative Summary – January 25, 2019

The Big Issues ANNEXATION Crawfordsville Senator Phil Boots’ anti-annexation bill, SB 94, includes several damaging provisions aimed at curbing what little annexation authority remains, including voiding annexation waivers, and adding some significantly onerous...
Legislative Summary – January 18, 2019

Legislative Summary – January 18, 2019

The Big Issues ANNEXATION Crawfordsville Senator Phil Boots’ anti-annexation bill, SB 94, includes several damaging provisions aimed at curbing what little annexation authority remains, including voiding annexation waivers, and adding some significantly onerous...
Legislative Summary – January 11, 2019

Legislative Summary – January 11, 2019

The Big Issues ANNEXATION Crawfordsville Senator Phil Boots has filed an aggressive anti-annexation bill that has several damaging provisions aimed at curbing what little annexation authority remains, including voiding annexation waivers, and eliminating future...
Legislative Summary – March 16, 2018

Legislative Summary – March 16, 2018

The Big Issues HB 1104: ANNEXATION AND ALCOHOL PERMITS In the early days of the legislative session there were at least six bills regulating municipal annexation, mostly regarding annexation waivers. As the session drew to a close, the only annexation waiver language...
Legislative Summary – March 9, 2018

Legislative Summary – March 9, 2018

The Big Issues ANNEXATION At one time SB 261 contained language that retroactively voided all annexation waivers passed before 2003, regardless of when they were recorded. The bill gave municipalities until December 31, 2018 to record any waivers executed after June...

Legislative Summary – March 2, 2018

The Big Issues COLLECTIVE BARGAINING FOR FIREFIGHTERS Concerning language has been added to HB 1125. The amendment would affect all communities with collective bargaining for firefighters. As amended the bill will now have broad implications to municipalities with...
Legislative Summary - January 25, 2019