Legislative Summary – January 14, 2022

Legislative Summary – January 14, 2022

 January 14, 2022 The Big Issues BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX Several bills were heard this week that would reduce the business personal property tax. HB 1002 would phase out the 30% depreciation floor on new property while providing businesses with a tax credit for...
Legislative Summary – January 7, 2022

Legislative Summary – January 7, 2022

 January 7, 2022 The Big Issues BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX Several bills have been introduced that would reduce the business personal property tax. HB 1002 would eliminate the 30% depreciation floor on new property while providing businesses with a tax credit for...

Investment Hubs

Investment Hubs Why This Legislation is Necessary Indiana’s local governments are competing while our peers nationally are collaborating, and we are doing so with less revenue to invest in our communities. Consider this:  Current state statute incentivizes competition...
Legislative Summary – January 7, 2022

Legislative Summary – April 23, 2021

 April 23, 2021The Big IssuesSTATE BUDGETThe final $36B budget passed on Thursday. It includes several notable provisions of interest to cities and towns:o $250M for broadband deployment grants.o $10M for body camera grants to be used for purchasing new camera...
Legislative Summary – April 16, 2021

Legislative Summary – April 16, 2021

 April 16, 2021 The Big Issues STATE BUDGET The April revenue forecast for the state budget was released on Thursday, projecting significantly higher revenues – about $2B more over the biennium – than previously projected. This will be the focus of negotiations...
Legislative Summary – April 9, 2021

Legislative Summary – April 9, 2021

 April 9, 2021 The Big Issues STATE BUDGET The $36B biennial budget was presented by the Senate Appropriations Committee Thursday containing funding for all of the state’s operations. Included in the bill are a couple of notable provisions of interest to...
Legislative Summary - January 14, 2022