Legislative Summary – March 8, 2019

Legislative Summary – March 8, 2019

The Big Issues ANNEXATION Crawfordsville Senator Phil Boots’ anti-annexation bill, SB 94, which essentially ends involuntary annexation, cleared the Senate 36-13 earlier this session. Aim strongly opposes the bill, which is being sponsored in the House by Rep....
Legislative Summary – March 1, 2019

Legislative Summary – March 1, 2019

The Big Issues CURRENT USES OF TIF Rep. Ed Clere’s HB 1596, a bill that was originally designed to target initiatives such as Jeffersonville’s Promise, a program that uses TIF dollars to give high school graduates the ability to attend Ivy Tech Community...
Legislative Summary – February 22, 2019

Legislative Summary – February 22, 2019

The Big Issues ANNEXATION One of Sen. Jim Buck’s annexation bills, SB 556, allows county commissioners to review and deny an annexation constituting more than 5% of a municipality’s assessed value. Further, a municipality cannot, in a single annexation or...
Legislative Summary – February 15, 2019

Legislative Summary – February 15, 2019

The Big Issues ANNEXATION Sen. Buck’s SB 556, won approval in the Senate Local Government Committee and cleared the Senate’s second reading hurdle earlier this week. The bill allows county commissioners to review and deny an annexation constituting more...
Legislative Summary – March 8, 2019

Legislative Summary – February 8, 2019

The Big Issues ANNEXATION Crawfordsville Senator Phil Boots’ anti-annexation bill, SB 94, which essentially ends involuntary annexation, cleared the Senate 36-13. Aim opposed the bill and it heads over to the House, where it will be carried by Rep. Mahan. A...
Legislative Summary – February 1, 2019

Legislative Summary – February 1, 2019

The Big Issues ANNEXATION Crawfordsville Senator Phil Boots’ anti-annexation bill, SB 94, includes several damaging provisions aimed at curbing what little annexation authority remains. Voiding annexation waivers, and adding some significantly onerous petition...
Legislative Summary - March 8, 2019