When Danny woke up with flu-like symptoms and grogginess, he wasn’t too concerned. But as his symptoms worsened, Danny’s doctor referred him to a specialist for additional testing. A week later, he faced an unexpected diagnosis—stage 2C colon cancer.

The first in his family to have this type of cancer, Danny was shocked.

“At 34, really having your mortality handed to you one day to the next was horrifying,” Danny said. “I didn’t know what to feel or think. But I knew that everything was going to be alright.”

Focusing on Getting Better
Through treatment and recovery, Danny kept his spirits high. And with the help of his AF™ Limited Benefit Cancer Insurance policy, he was able to focus on getting better.

“I don’t know what I would have done without having the insurance that I have and the coverage from American Fidelity,” Danny said. “I would probably have had to sell my car, sell my belongings, I don’t know.”

Preparing for the Future
Today, Danny encourages others to consider cancer insurance for themselves and their families.

“It’s better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it,” he said. “At the end of the day, you have to take care of yourself as much as you can.”

For more of Danny’s inspiring story, watch the video by clicking on the image below.

Learn more about Cancer Insurance with American Fidelity.

The original blog post is up to date as of December 2020 and has not been updated for changes in the law, administration or current events.

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