In a time of fierce competition for economic development, job creation, and talent recruitment, today’s cities must at the very least be able to keep pace with peer cities in providing the desirable living environment that many businesses and employees, whom by their headquarters location and residency decisions have shown, will not live without. These businesses and employees have chosen to live in walkable, mixed-use places that offer the amenities, resources, social and professional networks, and opportunities to support thriving lifestyles.
Learn more about the benefits of developing and implementing a Strategic Capital Investment Plan that concentrates limited resources on a specific project(s) and designs and constructs infrastructure and public facilities in a manner that enhances quality of place in a few targeted investment areas. By implementing the tactics discussed in this session, a municipality can outwardly show its commitment to investing in the high quality of place features that are desired by businesses and residents.
Mike Hendricks, Regional Services Director, American Structurepoint, Inc.
Grant Kleinhenz, Director of Planning & Economic Development, American Structurepoint, Inc.
Mike McBride, Vice President/Partner, American Structurepoint, Inc.