This extended course on grants will leave you feeling ready to search for that next funding opportunity for your community.  Several comprehensive panels will be on-hand to help you learn of sources for finding new opportunities, how to prepare yourself to create the best application possible, manage the funds once granted, and comply with all administrative and auditing requirements.  This course will provide clerks with the tools to manage grants at an expert level, thus advancing the needs of your communities.

Todd Caldwell, Director of Audit Services, State Board of Accounts
Collette Childress, Project Manager, Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
Rusty Goodpaster, Secured Schools Safety Director, Indiana Department of Homeland Security
Susan Gordon, Director of Audit Services, State Board of Accounts
George Handlin, Director of Grants, Indiana Humanities Council
Kathy Eaton-McKalip, Director of LPA/MPO & Grant Administration, Indiana Department of Transportation
Shannon McLeod, Grant Writer / Administrator, Priority Project Resources, Inc.
Miah Michaelsen, Deputy Director, Indiana Arts Commission
Samantha Spergel, Director of Real Estate Production, Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority

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