Jared Reedy, Aim Hometown Innovations Contributor

Vincennes was founded in 1732 by French fur traders François-Marie Bissot and Sieur de Vincennes. The area was part of New France for thirty years until the conclusion of the French and Indian War. Under British control, the area was associated with the Province of Quebec. After the Revolutionary War, Vincennes became part of Knox County in the Northwest Territory.

As a city rich in history Vincennes is accustomed looking out for all of its residents, the city targets grants and programs that seek to lift up its most vulnerable. Recently, Vincennes received a $200,000 grant from the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority. The money is being utilized to implement HOME Tenant-Based Rental Assistance, a program devised to prevent formerly incarcerated residents from becoming homeless.

According to data published by the Prison Policy Initiative, “formerly incarcerated people face widespread discrimination in both unemployment and housing, making it extremely difficult to succeed post-release.” They are not allowed to vote, have little access to education, face sparse job opportunities, and are ineligible for public benefits and student loans.

$150,000 is allocated to rental assistance, while the other $50,000 goes toward other needs such as transportation and childcare. The money is part of $1.7 million granted by the state to six nonprofit entities to assist income-eligible households with at least one formerly incarcerated member.

The Tenant-Based Rental Assistance program will last through September 2025, or until funds run out.

This recent grant announcement is just one of the city’s latest housing-related announcements. Vincennes is slated to receive dollars from the Regional Economic Acceleration Development Initiative (READI) to improve its sewer system in residential areas and support the development of more single family housing units.

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