Indiana League of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers

ILMCT Institute & Academy

Sunday, March 16 – Thursday, March 20
Embassy Suites, Plainfield, IN

Join us in Plainfield for the 30th Annual ILMCT Institute & Academy where you will spend the week diving into topics focused specifically on the role of the municipal clerk and clerk-treasurer. Attend an abundant lineup of classes for both the novice and advanced municipal official, targeting the subjects necessary for you to grow in your profession. Network with your colleagues and learn from their experiences, while gathering the tools you need to be a powerful part of your local government team.


Embassy Suites by Hilton Plainfield Indianapolis Airport
6089 Clarks Creek Road, Plainfield, IN 46168
(800) 362-2779

Room Rate: $177 per night (plus tax)
Group Code: AIM
Group Name: 2025 ILMCT Institute & Academy

The hotel is connected by indoor walkway to the Event Center. Please contact the Embassy directly to make your hotel reservation. Request Group Name 2025 ILMCT Institute & Academy to receive the special rate of $177 per night (plus tax). Reservations must be made by Wednesday, February 26 to receive the ILMCT rate. Please note that the hotel block may sell out before the reservation deadline of February 26. It is highly recommended that you do not wait until February 26 to book your hotel room. ILMCT is not responsible for hotel reservations or cancellations.


Hampton Inn Indianapolis SW/Plainfield
2244 East Perry Road
Plainfield, IN 46168
(317) 839-9993

Room Rate: $119 per night (plus tax)
Group Code: ILMCT
Book Online


ILMCT invites you to an in-person Athenian Dialogue featuring The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon. This engaging discussion, led by Nicole Bolden, ILMCT President and Indiana’s only IIMC Athenian Dialogue Facilitator, will take place on Sunday, March 16 prior to the start of ILMCT Institute & Academy. Participants will explore 10 powerful principles for approaching life and work with positivity and purpose. Registration is limited to 30 participants, with a deadline of March 7. The cost is $125 for ILMCT members and $150 for IIMC members, with the book purchased separately. Lunch is provided, and attendees who complete the practicum will earn IIMC educational points.


The ILMCT Institute & Academy Scholarship provides financial assistance for attendees of the 30th Annual ILMCT Institute & Academy. Scholarship applications are due by February 26, with recipients notified by March 5. If awarded a scholarship after already registering and paying, attendees will be reimbursed upon class completion. Lodging assistance may be available after March 5, depending on the number of scholarships awarded, with priority given to educational programming.


ILMCT Institute and Academy is an important educational opportunity as education hours are mandated by statute for clerks and clerk-treasurers. ILMCT is looking for sponsorships to help promote and subsidize the costs of this educational event. Below please find a list of sponsorship opportunities.

Contact Us

Lesley Mosier
Chief Administrative & Development Officer
317-237-6200 x 223

Upcoming Dates

International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) Annual Conference
May 18 – 21, 2025 | St. Louis, MO

Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada (APT US&C) Annual Conference
July 20 – 23, 2025 | Chicago, IL

ILMCT Annual Conference
August 10 – 14, 2025 | French Lick, IN

Annual Events

ILMCT Institute & Academy

The annual ILMCT Institute & Academy is a weeklong event where attendees spend the week diving into topics focused specifically on the role of the municipal clerk and clerk-treasurer. Attend an abundant lineup of classes for both the novice and advanced municipal official, targeting the subjects necessary for you to grow in your profession. Network with your colleagues and learn from their experiences, while gathering the tools you need to be a powerful part of your local government team.

ILMCT Annual Conference & State Board of Accounts School

The ILMCT Annual Conference & State Board of Accounts School is held in June every year. League business takes place during the Opening and Closing Business Sessions. Hear vital information from a number of state agencies, including the State Board of Accounts. A day is dedicated to educational classes the offer MMC and CMC credit.

ILMCT Institute & Academy Virtual Series

Now offered virtually, the ILMCT District Meeting and Education Days take place over several days and include education days and a district meeting, considered a State Board of Accounts called meeting. CMC and MMC credits will be offered. Please be sure to review the agenda contained below for specific dates and times for each workshop.

Institute & Academy Classes

Institute and Academy classes are offered throughout the year at ILMCT events. What is the difference between the Institute & Academy?

Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) / Institute
The CMC program is designed to enhance the job performance of the clerk, clerk-treasurer, controller, and deputy clerk. To earn the CMC designation, attendance in an extensive education program is required. Institute classes are designed to equip attendees with the basic skills needed to perform the duties of their office, based on the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) core curriculum. These classes are also designed for those pursuing their Indiana Accredited Municipal Clerk (IAMC) designation through ILMCT.

Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) / Academy
The MMC program is an advanced continuing education program that prepares participants to perform complex municipal duties. The program has an extensive and rigorous educational component and a professional and social contribution component. The MMC applicant must demonstrate that they have actively pursued education and professional activities. Academy classes are deemed appropriate for those working towards their MMC designation. More information on the IIMC programs can be found at

Additionally, both Institute and Academy classes can be used toward the Certified Public Finance Administrator (CPFA) designation offered through the Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada. More information can be found at
