Affiliate Groups
To bring the highest value to our members in our mission to accelerate Indiana municipalities, Aim coordinates the efforts of various affiliate groups who provide enhanced training and support for specific segments of our membership. Select one of the links below for more information.

Indiana ADA Coordinators Association
The Indiana ADA Coordinators Association offers training regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), transition plans, Title VI, Section 504 and much more.

Indiana Association of City Engineers
The Indiana Association of City Engineers is for city engineers from municipalities throughout Indiana and provides networking and education opportunities for its members.

Indiana Conference of Mayors
ICOM promotes classroom education, idea sharing, and networking for Hoosier mayors.

Indiana League of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers
Working with the state legislature in enacting laws for the betterment of state and local government, ILMCT promotes the professional growth and advancement of Indiana clerks, clerk-treasurers, and controllers.

Indiana Mayors Assistants
IMA is a network for personnel who work closely with mayors from all municipalities throughout the state of Indiana.

Indiana Municipal Lawyers Association
IMLA promotes continuing education for Indiana attorneys on issues affecting municipal law. IMLA also provides forums for attorneys practicing municipal law to meet and exchange ideas and professional experience.

Indiana Municipal Management Association
Made up of town and city managers, IMMA members collaborate and share innovative strategies to creatively address challenges and guide their communities forward.

Indiana Municipal Personnel Administrators for Cities and Towns
Promoting local government human resources management, IMPACT fosters professional development through training and sharing information and experiences.
Municipal Finance Officers Association
MFOA provides education and networking for appointed fiscal officers for Indianapolis and second class cities.

Redevelopment Association of Indiana
Striving to affect policies and programs that impact economic redevelopment, RAI also fosters and maintains strategic alliances that enhance redevelopment.