What is Replace Don’t Erase?

Replace Don’t Erase is an ongoing effort to preserve adequate funding for Indiana’s cities, towns, counties, schools, townships, and libraries to ensure they can continue providing Hoosiers with the quality of life they expect and deserve.

During the 2025 Legislative Session, the Indiana General Assembly is considering multiple proposals that aim to cut residential property taxes, personal property taxes for homeowners and businesses, and drastically alter the calculation of tax liabilities. While growing Indiana’s economy involves more than just reducing business taxes, these proposals pose significant risks to local governments’ ability to fund essential services.

The bills, including SB 1, SB 9, SB 443, and HB 1402, propose significant cuts to property taxes by imposing new tax caps, increasing existing deductions, reforming the MLGQ, and eliminating personal property assessed value from the tax base. Aim opposes any reduction in local revenues without a significant and state-backed revenue replacement mechanism. These are among the largest proposed cuts we have seen since the institution of the property tax caps with the fiscal impact of some of the bills nearing $2 Billion.

About Property Taxes

We’ve provided a comprehensive overview of key terms and concepts related to property taxation in Indiana, including assessment processes, property tax benefits, and financial calculations. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding the state’s market-based assessment system, tax levies, and other critical components of property tax administration.

Contact Us

Matthew Greller
Chief Executive Officer
317-237-6200 x 224

Amy Krieg
Government Affairs Director
317-237-6200 x 234

Campbell Ricci
Policy and Financial
Resources Director
317-237-6200 x 248
