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Passed Resolutions
These communities have passed resolutions opposing any tax policy that impacts local units of government that does not come with a corresponding replacement revenue stream. Click on the community’s name to view its resolution.
Find Your Legislators
Contacting your local legislators is key to protecting essential services and local funding. Use the link below to quickly find and contact your legislators to share your thoughts the proposed bills.
A Message from Matt Greller, Aim CEO
On January 16, Matt Greller, Aim CEO, sent an urgent message to Aim members addressing legislative proposals regarding residential property tax and business personal property tax. These measures could have a severe fiscal impact on Indiana municipalities, and we want to ensure you are informed and prepared to act.
Contact Us
Matthew Greller
Chief Executive Officer
317-237-6200 x 224
Jennifer Simmons
Chief Operating Officer
317-237-6200 x 240
Amy Krieg
Government Affairs Director
317-237-6200 x 234
Campbell Ricci
Policy and Financial
Resources Director
317-237-6200 x 248