Legislative Summary – February 12, 2021

Legislative Summary – February 12, 2021

 February 12, 2021 The Big Issues ORDINANCE VIOLATION FEES SB 158 would have reduced the maximum fees that can be charged for any ordinance violation by 90% (from a maximum of $2,500 to $250 for a first offense and from $7,500 to $750 for a second offense). It also...
Legislative Summary – February 5, 2021

Legislative Summary – February 5, 2021

 February 5, 2021 The Big Issues TELECOMMUNICATIONS HB 1164 is a bill containing a variety of telecom-related provisions, including further limitations on buried utility ordinances, cell tower height ordinances, and cell tower spacing ordinances. In addition, HB 1164...
Legislative Summary – January 29, 2021

Legislative Summary – January 29, 2021

 January 29, 2021 The Big Issues WETLANDS REGULATION SB 389 would repeal Indiana’s law regulating isolated wetlands, which are wetlands that are not abutting navigable waterways and are not currently regulated by the federal government. This is a major policy change...
Legislative Summary - February 12, 2021