New workforce housing coming to Huntingburg

Chelsea Schneider, Aim Municipal Innovations Specialist With manufacturers creating new jobs by the day, Huntingburg leaders saw an obvious demand. Those workers needed a place to live. Out of the need came the idea for Hunter’s Crossing, a private housing development...

EDITORIAL A path to long-term progress

Originally printed in the Journal Gazette, March 4, 2017.  I continue to be encouraged by the momentum and investments the city is experiencing. Our downtown is thriving, neighborhoods are growing and we’re seeing a positive business climate with job growth and...

EDITORIAL Support HB 1002

Originally printed in the Princeton Daily Clarion on February 13, 2017.  To the Editor, Long-term infrastructure funding, perhaps the single most critical matter before our state legislature this year, has likewise been among the most urgent matters facing our cities...

EDITORIAL Support Road Funding Bill

Originally printed in the Times Sentinel, Letters to the Editor on February 8, 2017. Dear Editor: I know I am not alone in thinking there is opportunity for improvement in the condition of Zionsville’s roads and roads across the state. Even with the accomplishments of...
New workforce housing coming to Huntingburg