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  1. Legislative Summary – January 8, 2021

    …1164 would increase the ability of telecommunications providers (including cable) to access rights-of-way, limit permitting and review for the access, and cap fees and bonding requirements that local governments can…

  2. Our Purpose

    …Aim dives into non-traditional areas to advocate for the betterment of cities and towns, and the people who live and work in them. Infrastructure, funding, and community health remain our…

  3. Let’s acknowledge READI successes and prepare to outperform with READI 2.0

    …By infusing modern technologies and sustainable practices into sectors like manufacturing and agriculture, READI can protect jobs and set a course for long-term growth and competitiveness. Projects like the Ivy…

  4. Can we finally agree that annexation has its place?

    …utilities, as do new housing and multi-use developments. Annexation enables cities and towns to extend these vital services to growing areas, fostering investment, job creation, and community vitality. Moreover, annexation…

  5. Jasper wins 2022 Strongest Town contest

    and other business incentives to encourage downtown property owners and companies to upgrade and renovate buildings and structures. Vonderheide also noted the new bicycle and pedestrian paths that have been…

  6. State of the City: Greenwood

    …“Our paved trails and sidewalks help us to become a more connected city and improve our walkability and quality of life.” Myers also highlighted two large infrastructure development projects during…

  7. Legislative Summary – March 13, 2020

    …will provide as many resources as possible and direct you to other places as well. We’re all in it together and we will figure it out as we go and

  8. Legislative Summary – March 24, 2023

    March 24, 2023 The Big Issues AIM INITIATIVES Prepayments and Deposits: SB 317, Aim’s initiative to allow prepayments and deposits on local purchases up to $2M and half of the…

  9. Legislative Summary – March 9, 2022

    …represents a significant move by the legislature and the IEDC to recognize the necessity of local collaboration and input. SB 361, authored by Senator Ryan Mishler (R-Bremen) and sponsored by…

  10. Indiana Municipal Management Association

    …non-partisan organization composed of professional local government managers, such as city and town managers, chief administrative officers, and assistant and deputy managers, who share a passion for providing excellent public…

  11. Coronavirus Examples

    …a time that perpetuates hopelessness and isolation. • Community organizers created Feed Evansville to provide grab-and-go meals and create a running list of organizations, pantries, and locations for food assistance….

  12. Legislative Summary – March 17, 2023

    …considered part of the homestead for purposes of the deductions and credits. This change would shift property taxes away from homesteads and to other property types and to tax cap…

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