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  1. Endorsed Programs

    …provide services to cities and towns since 1983. Our Endorsed Programs Committee reviews proposals and products that offer unique opportunities to members. The committee also monitors approved endorsed programs to…


  3. Communities embrace crowdfunding tool for public projects

    … projects were having in Michigan and Massachusetts and decided to bring Indiana on board, said Brad Meadows, a spokesman for the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority. The agency…

  4. The 2016 Aim Awards Video Showcase

    Monticello | 2016 Community Achievement Award & Local Government Cooperation Award The original City of Monticello Fire Station was built in 1904 and has served the firefighters well for…

  5. Everyone deserves to stay connected

    …in the Federal Communication Commission’s new Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The ACP helps connect families and households struggling to afford internet service. It provides up to $30/month discount for internet…

  6. Department of Treasury

    …in accordance with the final rule immediately. The Department of Treasury issued a reporting and compliance guidance document: SLFRF Compliance and Reporting Guidance Update 2.1. The document includes key dates…

  7. Over 30 Murals Completed in Indiana

    …Grant and the Indiana Destination Development Grant, with applications due on Feb. 2, 2024. Learn more at Locally, the following organizations have completed public art projects funded by IDDC:…

  8. Tell City Mayor Honored for Accomplishments as McDonald’s Alumnus

    …members who make up the diverse community of McDonald’s alumni. “Chris is a shining example of how a foundation under the Golden Arches prepare our crew members for their dream…

  9. Connected Smart Cities and Communities

    …They are turning to technology to help their communities become centers of innovation and sustainable growth. In the past, the various systems that served a community operated independently, making it…

  10. Indiana Municipal Management Association

    …non-partisan organization composed of professional local government managers, such as city and town managers, chief administrative officers, and assistant and deputy managers, who share a passion for providing excellent public…

  11. ILMCT Events

    …duties. The program has an extensive and rigorous educational component and a professional and social contribution component. The MMC applicant must demonstrate that they have actively pursued education and professional…

  12. Legislative Summary – February 7, 2025

    …SB1, in its current form, would impact your community. It’s very important to explain the percentage of your community’s revenue derived from property taxes and cite specific examples where cuts…
